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Tuition Assistance

Each year Westlake Christian Academy provides tuition assistance to dozens of families who could not otherwise afford to send their child to WCA. These funds are awarded not based on monies available, but on the needs of the individual families. WCA relies on God’s faithfulness and those donors who have a heart for families in need.

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Golden Eagle Monthly Ministry Partners

Would you like to partner with us in ministry to students and families? Committed monthly giving provides a solid foundation for the discipleship mission of Westlake. Learn more about our Golden Eagle Program and help build disciples for God’s kingdom.

National Christian Foundation

National Christian Foundation (NCF) helps generous givers like you simplify their giving, multiply their impact, and experience the joy of sending more to their favorite causes than they ever dreamed possible. Westlake Christian Academy has partnered with NCF to accept both cash donations and gifts of stock to The Westlake Fund with NCF.  Donate to this managed fund and watch your impact grow.

Donate to the NCF Westlake Fund

Matching Gifts

You may have the power to double (or triple!) your donation. Many companies encourage their employees to give charitably by providing matching funds. As a 501c(3) organization, WCA is eligible to receive these matching funds. Email Erica Bucey, Director of Development to find out if your company offers a matching gift program or inquire with your HR department.

IRA Qualified Donations

Donors who are required to make a minimum qualified distribution from their IRA should consult their financial advisor about donating directly from their retirement account to Westlake Christian Academy. Donors can potentially direct their RMD to charity (and avoid paying income taxes on the distribution) by making a Qualified Charitable Donation. Gifts up to $100,000 may qualify. Please consult your tax advisor regarding your specific situation. To initiate a transfer directly from your investment account, contact Claudette Gearhart, Business Manager.

Gifts of Stock

Donating stock is a popular alternative when making a gift to the school. All gifts are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. When donating stock, donors are eligible for the greatest tax benefits when the stock is transferred directly to Westlake Christian Academy. Please consult your tax advisor for specific tax-related information. If you would like to make a stock gift, contact Claudette Gearhart, Business Manager.


Bitcoin accepted here! Westlake has partnered with Bitpay to begin accepting Bitcoin donations. Click here to donate your Bitcoins to Westlake.

Legacies & Bequests

Where to start? That is often the first and biggest hurdle that prevents someone from leaving a legacy. Westlake Christian Academy can provide consultation in planned giving. If you would like to leave a lasting impact, contact Erica Bucey, Director of Development.

In-kind Donations

Westlake Christian Academy gratefully accepts In-Kind Donations. Items big and small can be used to support the mission of WCA. Examples of in-kind donations would be supplies for our programs (including athletic equipment) or vehicles. If you have something you’d like to donate, please email Erica Bucey, Director of Development.

Merchant Account Partnership

Own a small business?  Change your credit processor and support WCA! Through a partnership with Arlington Heights Merchant Banc, Westlake Christian Academy would receive 20% of the profit generated your business’ credit card processing through AHMB.  Learn more about their non-profit partnership program here.

Enrollment Open